Businesses that aspire to expand into new foreign markets often face numerous obstacles, such as navigating complex national legal and tax systems. Nevertheless, the Alat Free Economic Zone (AFEZ), provides an optimal solution for businesses wishing to establish a foothold in the region without needing to account for the additional burden of taxes and legal complexities.
Strategically located near the Port of Baku, AFEZ is a free economic zone with a unique jurisdiction and associated benefits.
As part of the Think Global, Go Global program, and in collaboration with the Alat Free Economic Zone Authority (AFEZA), we are delighted to announce an upcoming legal and business event. The event is scheduled for the 5th of April 2023, at the NH Atlantic in The Hague, The Netherlands.
During this event, participants will have the opportunity to hear from senior authorities from the Republic of Azerbaijan, including Mr Valeh Alasgarov, Chairman of the Board of the Alat Free Economic Zone Authority. They will provide valuable insights and experiences on doing business in AFEZ and Azerbaijan, whilst providing participants with the knowledge they require to thrive in a new business endeavour.
The event caters to executives and business managers interested in expanding their company operations into Eurasia. As places are limited, interested parties are advised to register for the event by emailing before 28 March 2023.